Tutoring Sales & Marketing Tools

About Marketing Tools

Marketing tools, a tool section on TuorPage, includes some features for marketing purposes. Such as Building Teacher Website, Teacher Poster, and Social Media Share Features. These help your marketing operation, or your existing clients spread to the public and your potential clients.

  • Generate different types of posters (Meet different social media platforms' posting requirements, such as XiaoHongShu ).
  • Customize website domain address, professional website builder.
  • Social media share feature helps to spread business on social media.
  • Client/Student add you as a friend or accept your invitation so that you are connected.

About Building Website

You can create a unique domain name to generate a customized website address.

(For example, teacher Emily built a website with a customized domain name as TeacherEmily, and her website address is https://TeacherEmily.tutorpage.net/)

  • Customize Domain Address (Unique Web Address ).
  • Display Profile (Uploaded Picture, Uploaded Video).
  • Showcase your Teaching Experience/Education Background.
  • Display reviews from your existing clients to other potential clients (Building credibility).
  • List of courses available for selling in the storefront.
  • Sign up and log in remotely from the website page.
  • Improve SEO ranking through added keywords.
  • Multiple-Languages versions are available. Your clients are able to visit your site in different available languages.
  • Global serve layout ensures visitors can experience your website without trouble and have the same speed as they visit their local site.
  • The add-on/Feature is mobile friendly, providing a pleasant browsing experience for your website visitors, regardless of the device they use.

About Poster Generating

The system will generate types of posters that you can share with the public or your existing clients and potential clients. The generated poster is composed of your profile picture, teaching experience, courses you are selling, and your introduction, which you fulfilled on the TutorPage system. It also shows your TutorPage ID and QR code. Clients can scan the QR code and search for your ID to add you as a friend, and your teacher website is the landing page.

Why are there different types of posters?

Once you share your poster on different platforms, there are different regulations and restrictions on these platforms. Such as, on 'XiaoHongShu' (Little Red Book), you are not allowed to put your personal contacts or ID, and some platforms do not allow posting a QR code. According to common platform regulations, you can use TutorPage to generate a poster meeting the target platform's requirements. For example, if you want to generate a poster for posting on XiaoHongShu (Little Red Book), choose the type designed for XiaoHongShu platform and click to create a poster. The poster meets the platform's posting rules and won't be rejected.

    What features will be contained in one poster?

    • √ Teacher Name.
    • √ Your avatar.
    • √ Courses with prices you are selling.
    • √ Your introduction.
    • √ Your Teacher Website address.
    • √ Your TutorPage ID. Clients/Students add you on TutorPage Mobile App.
    • √ Your TutorPage QR code. Clients/Students can scan it to add you as a friend and get connected. And your website is the landing page.

    Social Media Fast Forward

    You can share your Teacher Website with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WeChat. More leading social media platforms will be ready soon. It allows your clients or you to share your website in different places.